Reviews build opinions. These win the center stage for being immensely valuable to customers because these carry some valuable information that one puts there upon using a product/ service. Even, these impact the sale, as what 93% of people believe. It’s hardly believable, yet the fact that 90% of people spend time on reading reviews before buying something. They read an average of 10 online reviews before trusting a brand.
Category: Digital Marketing
Modern Affiliate Frauds Rooting in eCommerce Marketing
Digital marketing is no rocket science, but a unique way to shift offline marketing to online. Certainly, affiliate marketing has a big role in expanding its promotion. Now, eCommerce is multiply. It’s everywhere. The role of affiliates or referral links is indeed crucial in it. Read More
Google Core Algorithm Update May 2020
Google’s update is on the roll, which is known as “May 2020 Core Update”. However, the search engine continues to improve its searching capacities, speed to explore and many other related algorithms almost every day. These changes seem unnoticeable. Read More
Why Is CPA Important To Understand For Ecommerce Marketing?
As you’re running an online storefront, it is necessary to measure if you are at the risk of overpaying for your customer or not. Here, the CPA, which stands for Cost Per Acquisition, can help you to figure out how much money you are investing on acquiring a customer.